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Discussion on: Making math animations and videos with code

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mæghith | Ramón FSM

Oh, the Editly concept is very interesting.

Some tools suggestions.

Handbrake allows you to convert the output to any format you need. If your tool outputs video on the right format you'll be good to go, but if it's slightly off I would suggest using this tool, because video codecs and file formats are still a bit tricky.

In the same way Editly is a non-linear video editor, Natron is an open source non-linear video editor, it's a GUI app but it accepts Python code in some boxes for the parameter values, so maybe one can put some ingenuity in linking the values.

The project needs some help in maintaining, but it works well enough that it allowed me to make some loops for a "30 day project" in January last year (just trippy loops, nothing mathy).

As coding tools go, It sounds weird to suggest Scratch it but the site lends itself to be visited by people looking for learning, so that's that.

A couple tools i found it werid not seeing mentioned in the article: Processing/p5.js and Shadertoy. I think they are well known enough to not require much description.

And the old weirdness from the early 90's (latest beta 2017, project is extremely stable): POVray. It's a 3D ray tracer tool with a scene description language. That means you describe the 3D scene by defining objecs in it in such language (it looks kind of like CSS). By itself that language does not lend to what you would call programming but it has a preprocessor that allows for conditional parsing, looping, and animating, and that does the trick in the end.