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What's you favorite headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a back-end only content management system (CMS) built from the ground up as a content repository that makes content accessible via a RESTful API for display on any device.

So far I've aware of Contentful, Sanity, Strapi and Ghost.

Which is your favorite headless CMS and why?

Top comments (23)

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not sure if this counts as headless CMS.
But I used Eleventy + Netlify CMS for a while, was pretty powerful.

Changed to just publishing from source, since it was quicker for me personally.
Really gone away from CMS's all together.

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

My faves:

  • Ghost for simple blogs
  • Strapi for containerised architecture
  • Webiny for serverless architecture
amrit0991 profile image
Amrit Saini • Edited

I like Storyblok.

Some of the others on this list are probably better for enterprise-level, but for smaller projects Storyblok's pricing is nice, and it maps pretty well to React components. And setup is relatively simple.

ramongebben profile image
Ramon Gebben

We're having a lot of fun using DatoCMS.
It has modular content fields which we can map to React components so the CMS users can fully customise all the items on a page.

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

I use DatoCMS at work too. Love it.

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

I have used Netlify CMS only, and can say it is one of the best available headless CMS out there.πŸ‘Œ

ilyasemenov profile image
Ilya Semenov

So if you have only used one CMS, how can you compare it to others and tell that it is one of the best?

dht profile image
Dylan Thomas

I deal with a lot of headless CMSes through my work. The favorite really varies based on the organization. Every headless CMS can deliver content via API, the differences come in when you consider how big the organization is, its need (or lack thereof) for multiple environments, the number of editors, and which out of the box integrations are useful.

Some additional ones are:

cyberhck profile image
Nishchal Gautam

I never used one, but when I have a use case I'm giving strapi a try for sure, great documentation, it generates empty code blocks, which means I can modify the endpoint myself if I want, being able to modify default behavior impressed me, it's also 2019 js award winner

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

Graph cms and Contentful, both are great PaSS headless CMS's. Something nice about not hosting the cms. I just pick if I need GraphQL or REST

ns23 profile image
Nitesh Sawant

I like to work with strapi

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

Why headless in the first place? I feel it is just an overused buzzword.

Yes, I prefer it highly customizable. But now I want a real database (rather than outsourcing to someone else's API...)

  • Comment engine with login system
  • Analytics

As for reasons for not being headless?

  • Bootstrapped themes
  • Zero build time
  • Ready-to-use components
jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Best Markdown Editor is by far best markdown CMS out there.

dht profile image
Dylan Thomas

Looks really cool (I love Markdown) but not a headless cms from what I can see. Am I missing the api? (because that would be cool)

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride • Edited

Here is the documentation. You can go here to use it for free (it's only 1 dollar a month if you decide you'd like to support it). There is a test account token that you can use to try it risk free.

If you try it out and have any feedback I would LOVE to hear it and use it to improve my app. :)

dht profile image
Dylan Thomas


winstonpuckett profile image
Winston Puckett

I use as my CMS :)

nieuwepixels profile image
Nieuwe Pixels

I do like the approach of Cockpit CMS, although the code-field on posttypes is undocumented (from what i know). The interface/fonts could be improved, but i like the technical approach

rajinwonderland profile image
Raj K Singh • Edited

I've used almost every headless cms out there, but right now, these 3 are by far my favorites.

Top 3

  • DatoCMS (great UI/UX and seamless SEO)
  • Strapi (self hosted)
  • GraphCMS
ilyabuligin profile image
Ilya Buligin

I really love Keystone. It has all for the creation of big applications.