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How do you come up with the product names?

Choosing a proper name for your product is equally important as naming variables, functions, classes, etc for code readability and future maintainability.

Is it hard for you to come up with the product name and where do you get your ideas from? Have you ever changed the product name afterward?

Top comments (15)

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

I build libraries for Named Data Networking (NDN). I name my libraries with "NDN" and the platform / programming language of the library.

  • NDNts - TypeScript
  • esp8266ndn - ESP8266 microcontroller; later it's expanded to ESP32 and nRF52, but the name remains
  • NDNph - C++. Both "ndn-cpp" and "ndn-cxx" are taken, but my library is header-only and focuses on packet format, so "ph" means "packet headers".
  • NDNgo - Go

There's no hyphen in these names, so that they can be used as Twitter hashtags.

For applications based on these libraries, I name them with library name + application main feature:

  • NDNts-CA - certificate authority
  • NDNts-video - video streaming

They serve as examples of my libraries.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel
seanperkins profile image
Sean Perkins

Most of the naming for our internal projects/products either comes from topics/terminology related to the team's name and/or the projects/products purpose.

For example, the engineering team is called Hive, so many internal projects are named around bees: HoneyFlow, Nectar, etc.

We name our individual sprints on projects as well, just following a generalized topic like "animals". So each sprint is named after an unique animal (i.e. current sprint is Chilesaurus and previous sprint was Dingo).

Projects that have a purpose would be like calling an internal architecture system "Core" or calling a micro-service for connecting with different content providers, the "Content Service". Anything public would be prepended with the company's identifier (for package names). We occasionally use acronyms, but those can be a slippery slope. We call our "Document Management System", "DMS". As a general rule I don't like acronyms as they can be gate-keepers and misinterpreted for something of a different meaning.

In my experience with development and naming projects, rarely does the name make a significant impact. You obviously want to avoid offensive naming schemes, but one of the largest technology companies is called "Apple". You run the risk of trying to market yourself and compete with SEO with generalized terms (i.e. likely had steep competition initially), but good ideas often rise to the top.

madza profile image

That's actually pretty clever to associate the product with some central subject 😉
This way you build a unique ecosystem, that is easily distinguishable by the users 😉

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It's a long and painful process.

madza profile image

Ikr 😉Just curious, could you elaborate on the inspiration behind the 'Forem'? 👀

yo profile image

I always merge two meaningful names into one

Taskord = Task + Record
Gitote = Git + Remote

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Gitote 😔

yo profile image

Yea, It didn't sustain because Gitea grew a lot than gogs!

madza profile image

That's an interesting approach, I've seen the pattern before 😉

thejaredwilcurt profile image
The Jared Wilcurt

I use the WuTang name generator. But all my libraries are called "Childish Gambino" 🤷‍♂️

madza profile image

How many times you have to run it to come up with something useful? 👀😀

gautham495 profile image
Gautham Vijayan

I use popular movie names like Neo from matrix, Leonardo di Caprio the actor and so on.

It will make sure, it sounds familiar to people.

pinheirojose profile image
José Pinheiro

You can try this one:

Enter related words, choose the type of "brand" name... and boom! you have hundreds of ideas.

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Thanks for sharing, it's awesome! 😉
I like how most of the results are actually meaningful 😉👍