DEV Community

Discussion on: What are your UNIX pipeline commands that saved you from lot of coding/time?

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Luciano Quercia • Edited
alias ctrlc='xclip -selection clipboard -i'
alias ctrlv='xclip -selection clipboard -o'


# copy something without opening editors or showing it in terminal
cat ~/.ssh/ | ctrlc

# paste clipboard somewhere
ctrlv >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

ctrlv | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
ctrlv | tr -d "\n"
ctrlv | base64 -d 
ctrlv | base64
ctrlv | md5sum

cat myfile | base64 | ctrlc
cat myfile | md5sum | ctrlc

ctrlv | base64 | ctrlc
ctrlv | base64 -d | ctrlc