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Lucas Shen
Lucas Shen

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Making coefficient plots in Python using Forestplot

This post illustrates how one can use the open-source Forestplot package to plot estimates with confidence intervals.

This package plots correlation coefficients or regression estimates from upstream analyses (see this example of correlation analysis).

Prepare the package and load the data

To install the package from PyPI:

pip install forestplot
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Load example dataset that reports how certain factors correlate with the amount of sleep one gets:

import forestplot as fp

df = fp.load_data("sleep")  # companion example data
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var r moerror label group ll hl n power p-val
0 age 0.0903729 0.0696271 in years age 0.02 0.16 706 0.67 0.0163089
1 black -0.0270573 0.0770573 =1 if black other factors -0.1 0.05 706 0.11 0.472889
2 clerical 0.0480811 0.0719189 =1 if clerical worker occupation -0.03 0.12 706 0.25 0.201948

In the above dataframe, each row is an individual characteristic with a corresponding correlation coefficient from correlating the characteristic with the amount of sleep one gets per night.

The first row, age, for instance, with a correlation coefficient of 0.09 (p = 0.016), says that people who are older get more sleep.
(See this notebook to see how the correlation coefficients are computed from the real sleep75.csv data.)

Plot the estimates

Forest plots (or coefficient plots, dot plots, coefplots) are useful to visualize the estimates and their confidence intervals.

To plot the estimates in df:

fp.forestplot(df,  # the dataframe with results data
              estimate="r",  # col containing estimated effect size 
              ll="ll", hl="hl",  # columns containing conf. int. lower and higher limits
              varlabel="label",  # column containing variable label
              ylabel="Confidence interval",  # y-label title
              xlabel="Pearson correlation"  # x-label title
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Customizing and adding annotations (Pt. 1)

You can add variable group subheadings (e.g. the Labor Factors subheading) and sort the estimates (within groups). You can also sort the order of the variable group subheadings (group_order):

fp.forestplot(df,  # the dataframe with results data
              estimate="r",  # col containing estimated effect size 
              moerror="moerror",  # columns containing conf. int. margin of error
              varlabel="label",  # column containing variable label
              groupvar="group",  # Add variable groupings 
              # group ordering
              group_order=["labor factors", "occupation", "age", "health factors", 
                           "family factors", "area of residence", "other factors"],
              sort=True  # sort in ascending order (sorts within group if group is specified)               
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Customizing and adding annotations (Pt. 2)

You can also add more annotations to the plot, such as the sample size (e.g. N and formatted_pval) and add table lines:

fp.forestplot(df,  # the dataframe with results data
              estimate="r",  # col containing estimated effect size 
              ll="ll", hl="hl",  # lower & higher limits of conf. int.
              varlabel="label",  # column containing the varlabels to be printed on far left
              pval="p-val",  # column containing p-values to be formatted
              annote=["n", "power", "est_ci"],  # columns to report on left of plot
              annoteheaders=["N", "Power", "Est. (95% Conf. Int.)"],  # ^corresponding headers
              rightannote=["formatted_pval", "group"],  # columns to report on right of plot 
              right_annoteheaders=["P-value", "Variable group"],  # ^corresponding headers
              groupvar="group",  # column containing group labels
              group_order=["labor factors", "occupation", "age", "health factors", 
                           "family factors", "area of residence", "other factors"],                   
              xlabel="Pearson correlation coefficient",  # x-label title
              xticks=[-.4,-.2,0, .2],  # x-ticks to be printed
              sort=True,  # sort estimates in ascending order
              table=True,  # Format as a table
              # Additional kwargs for customizations
              **{"marker": "D",  # set maker symbol as diamond
                 "markersize": 35,  # adjust marker size
                 "xlinestyle": (0, (10, 5)),  # long dash for x-reference line 
                 "xlinecolor": ".1",  # gray color for x-reference line
                 "xtick_size": 12,  # adjust x-ticker fontsize
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Final remarks

Planned future enhancements include allowing for multiple estimates per row in the plot.

Forest plots have many aliases. Other names include coefplots, coefficient plots, meta-analysis plots, dot plots, dot-and-whisker plots, blobbograms, margins plots, regression plots, and ropeladder plots.

This posts hopefully gives my forestplot package some visibility. At the the same time, happy to hear comments about the API's ease of use and features. plot. See the GitHub repo readme for a more substantial documentation.

GitHub logo LSYS / forestplot

A Python package to make publication-ready but customizable forest plots (coefplots).


PyPI - Python Version
Easy API for forest plots.
A Python package to make publication-ready but customizable forest plots

This package makes publication-ready forest plots easy to make out-of-the-box. Users provide a dataframe (e.g. from a spreadsheet) where rows correspond to a variable/study with columns including estimates, variable labels, and lower and upper confidence interval limits. Additional options allow easy addition of columns in the dataframe as annotations in the plot.

Release PyPI GitHub release (latest by date)
Status CI Notebooks
Coverage Codecov
Python PyPI - Python Version
Docs Read the Docs (version) DocLinks
Meta GitHub Language grade: Python Code style: black types - Mypy DOI
Table of Contents


Install from PyPI

pip install forestplot
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Install from source
GitHub release (latest by date)

git clone
cd forestplot
pip install .
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Quick start

import forestplot as fp

df = fp.load_data("sleep")  # companion example data
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var r moerror label group ll hl n

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