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Django RestApis example – GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests to PostgreSQL database

In this tutorial, we’re gonna look at way to create Django RestAPIs with Get/Post/Put/Delete requests to interact with PostgreSQL Database using Django REST Framework.

Related Post: Django RestApis CRUD Application with Angular 6 & PostgreSQL tutorial

Django RestApi example Overview


The project create a set of Rest-APIs for GET/POST/UPDATE/DELETE APIs:

  • GET /customers/: get all customers
  • GET /customers/[id]: get a customer by id
  • POST /customers/: save a customer
  • PUT /customers/update/[id]: update a customer by id
  • DELETE /customers/[id]: delete a customer by id

We will config the Project to work with PostgreSQL database.

Project structure

There are several folders and files in our Django project:


  • customers/ declares CustomersConfig class (subclass of the django.apps.AppConfig) that represents our Django app and its configuration.
  • gkzRestApi/ configures settings for the Django project, including INSTALLED_APPS list with Django REST framework and Customers Application.
  • customers/ defines Customer data model class (subclass of the django.db.models.Model).
  • migrations/ is generated by makemigrations command, includes the code to create the Customer model, will be run by migrate to generate PostgreSQL database table for Customer model.
  • customers/ declares CustomerSerializer class (subclass of rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer) for Customer instances to manage serialization to JSON and deserialization from JSON.
  • customers/ contains methods to process HTTP requests and produce HTTP responses (using CustomerSerializer).
  • customers/ defines urlpatterns to be matched with request functions in the
  • gkzRestApi/ defines root URL configurations that includes the URL patterns declared in customers/

Setup Django RestApi project

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