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How to Survive a Coding Bootcamp

In the world of programming a common thing here is coding bootcamps. They are programs that can take anywhere from 15-17 weeks to complete and they are usually high stress with long hours. That means losing sleep and a decline in health right? Well not exactly. It can be that way but it doesn’t have to be. I know we are given all of these different resources that we are supposed to use to help manage stress, but we never get real solutions to the way we feel. We only get wishful thinking and hopes, no results. I’m here to give real solutions to that stress.

First up, sleep. It feels like we can never find a time to sleep when we have deadlines looming over us keeping us awake. We know how important sleep is but, how much should we sleep and how can we make that happen when we are programming for 12 hours a day? Well, it’s recommended that we get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. But, when you have to stay up late to finish a project or squeeze in those last few lines of code it can be hard to get 5 or even 3 hours of sleep. The best fix for this I have found is naps, yes you heard me. Naps are a great way to let your mind and body rest. Since they don’t have to be long to be effective you can take a quick nap during a lunch break and get right back into programming feeling fresh.

Now let's take a look at another huge thing, food. Are we eating enough? It’s really easy to skip meals when you are fixing a bug, or when you’re stuck. But, food is what fuels the brain. So we need to make sure we are eating three meals a day. How can we do this though? We barely have enough time to get work done let alone cook. Well, if you are blessed enough to have a day off during the week I suggest meal prepping. Meal prepping is a great way to make sure you have food to eat during the week! If you don’t have a day off during the week then it may be a little more difficult but I would highly recommend making time to prepare meals for the next few days.

Finally we have one of the biggest things, mental health. It’s so easily forgotten when we are working. We stop looking after ourselves and then we stop taking care of our basic needs. All of this can make you feel like you are spiraling,like there's not enough time in a day. THe best way I have found to ward off these feelings and thoughts is to make sure my basic needs are met and to take short breaks throughout the day. I can not stress this enough, we can only put out our best work when we are healthy and rested. Taking breaks will help you from burning out and feeling drained.,enable%20their%20growth%20and%20development.

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