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Discussion on: Fixing accessibility [part 1] - 4 fixes that would take less than 10 minutes!

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

For number 4 did you know there are keyboard shortcuts? You can press j and k to navigate between articles more easily. But tabbing with take you to each area within the post tile (this is also how twitter does it).

grahamthedev profile image

Yes but only through mashing buttons! It was only when you just said it then I realised you followed twitter pattern (or should I say the gmail pattern taken from some old editor in the 80s!), didn't even click 🤣

Also discovered the shortcut to search with ? but I have not discovered anything else?

Is there a page with shortcuts on as I could not find it? If there is then I will include that in my next article!

Also I feel there there is some key combination to change the number of articles jumped at a time with j and k hidden somewhere as I have managed to make it jump by 2 articles and 5 articles at a time but only by accident! Or is that some strange bug I discovered!

I approach everything as if I do not know any key combinations, hence the arrow key suggestion (which will also have a toggle) as that would be logical for 99% of people.

However perhaps that approach is not correct for a site that is likely to attract an unusually high proportion of power users, so I may need to curb my general thoughts on things.

I look forward to any input you have on my suggestions for anything that is best judgement!

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

There is currently a bug that caused the the shortcuts to compound. It's actually a side effect of this issue

Preact Components not unmounting due to InstantClick page lifecycle events. #11458

Describe the bug

I know how to fix it @reobin . I will create an issue and put a PR up for it. We need to explicitly call unmountComponentAtNode in an InstantClick.on('change', () => {}) event. This is something that normally we wouldn't have to do, but because we use InstantClick, it's necessary. It also explains why I saw components repeated in the Preact dev tools.

I need to do it for pretty much all out components that get mounted via render. e.g.

import { h, render } from 'preact';
import { unmountComponentAtNode } from 'preact/compat';
import { Search } from '../Search';
import 'focus-visible';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const root = document.getElementById('header-search');

  render(<Search />, root);

  InstantClick.on('change', () => {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To Reproduce

You will not see this behaviour as it's something under the hood. It manifests itself in an issue like #11371

Expected behavior

Preact components should be unmounted when an InstantClick even changes the page.


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Additional context

I wrote an article asking how we can get better discoverability the other day but as of yet there is not a list of shortcuts.

Just press / should take you to the search, I think shift + / is still calling / functions though, I'd like ? to open a list of shortcuts one day 😅

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grahamthedev profile image

You know I should really look through all the bugs in the repo shouldn’t I lol!

Saying that it is way more fun having you “swat me down” on things that are already known 🤣🤣😜

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link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

? no longer initiates search. That's one step closer