DEV Community

Discussion on: Pursue a CS Degree or not? As a Front-End Developer

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Wenchen (Neo) Li

Thank you for your reply! I think it's a really good point that we should avoid from companies that requires a degree for anything.

And I do think going to school would open up more doors for me in my life, but not just in the sense of meeting a lot people; it could also let me explore other things that I might not even know exist. "You don't know what you don't know", as they say, I'd love to see what else I could do as there are so many different career paths you could take for writing programs.

Luckily, in terms of money, the university I'm looking at in Canada (University of Waterloo) is not that expensive. But if I don't want to relocate/commute and go to University of Toronto, I might need to pay much more.