DEV Community

Discussion on: Why You Shouldn't Use A Web Framework

lemonbob profile image

Very interesting read, developers need to look at the claims made by Framework promoters. Take React — the constant claim made is that the DOM is slow therefore we need a virtual DOM to speed things up.

However, independent tests conducted by Paul Lewis showed that rendering time was up to 10 times slower in React than in JS. JS also got faster under heavy element load, React got slower ... very slow. Netflix recently dumped React from their frontend and saw a significant increase in speed ... How could having a separate virtual DOM to render and compare to the DOM be faster than merely just changing the DOM ... nonsense.

The other claim made is — we need React to keep data in sync with the DOM ... what? Who has ever had this problem, I haven't! Furthermore because React batches changes, guess what, user data is often not truly in sync.

Lastly there is the claim that development is quicker with frameworks ... is it?Speed of development must be offset against cost, cost in terms of learning these frameworks, the difficulty in debugging them, the time spent trying to override restrictions, and lastly, the cost to the business from their slow loading times and poor performance. Research conducted by Amazon a while back found that just 100ms latency cost 1% in sales. In tests by Paul Lewis, React/Ember/Angular etc ran at 500 - 2000ms latency for initial rendering for a very simple page compared to 50ms for JS.

Would Amazon use React?

Frameworks appear to me to be pyramid selling schemes. False claims made, purported problems that don't exist, solutions offered that actually cause more problems, get everyone locked in, technical debt escalates, we have no choice but to use the framework and the purported solution becomes the only problem.

GitHub spent over 5 years removing JQuery because of technical debt issues, React/Ember/Angular/Vue would have been virtually impossible to remove. Use a framework if you want, but know the costs, nothing is free!