DEV Community

Discussion on: Explain DevOps like I'm five

leightondarkins profile image
Leighton Darkins

To add to his discussion: It's very common for the term DevOps to be used to describe a role or a team. For example someone saying "Let's ask the DevOps person/team", when they really mean "Let's ask the Operations person/team".

DevOps is not a skill, role or a team, it's a working culture.

In its simplest form DevOps is the idea that teams who produce applications should be responsible for deploying, running and maintaining them.

This is an alternative to the traditional approach of separating development and operational concerns. Wherein developers build an application then throw that application "over the wall" to an operational team who are then responsible for deploying, running and maintaining it.

DevOps, in it's golden state, means that there isn't an Operations team or role. There are just cross-functional teams that have the capability to create, deploy and maintain applications in isolation.

mattstratton profile image
Matty Stratton

Not to nitpick, but that’s NoOps, not DevOps. I’m DevOps we still have ops. The difference is they aren’t a separate part of the global org, so to speak.

It’s all one big tent