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Discussion on: Why Tailwind? A long term user perspective

leandroruel profile image
Leandro RR

i'm using Tailwind in two side projects and i can say that... since i learned CSS more than 8 years ago... it is like a shortcut to write CSS without having to create a .css file and plus, make your html looks like a mess, and you can get lost on it quickly. i'm wrong? then try use it without componentization. make a plain page with it. make a whole website with it. like those templates from themeforest. it will become a hell. my suggestion is: stick with the roots. plain CSS and BEM as convention.

ecklf profile image
Florentin / 珞辰

1) Tailwind requires you to create a CSS file
2) Humans can only parse information to a certain treshold. I think non-component based approaches make scaling messy, and if it stays a simple page the additional classnames are tolerable for me. Templates can be a hit or miss. If they are extensively commented like the ones you get from TailwindUI, it feels okay to me.
3) Use what works for you. I don't think it is a bad idea to avoid abstractions, but conventions are often disregarded if not enforced. Tailwind just scaled well with teams for me.