DEV Community

Discussion on: Why use WCF?

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Lars von Qualen • Edited

This is actually a quite interesting topic!

So i live in Denmark, where we for some god forsaken reason swear fealty to the overlords from Microsoft in almost all our big corporate companies. I do understand why, having a homogenous approach across an entire IT department, makes it easier to shift man power between projects. Another point is that some people tend to stay at companies for a very long time, and not really keep up to date. So for me, coming in as a consultant, i have multiple times encountered middle aged people, who just didn't want to learn anything new, and who sees new developments as more of the same. They think they can solve everything with what they already have, and yes, they can, but in a frustrating way if you start to consider time-to-market, salary expenses and "the business" in general. I'm baffled WCF is still a thing in so many companies.

Okay, this turned more into a rant they a constructive comment, bear with me though, i work in legacy Microsoft web land every day :D