DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 reasons why we ended up rewriting the whole application before its release

larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Great article!
At my work (working as a frontend developer) I am currently working in a team rewriting a large e-commerce app. It needs to be refactored from the ground up because of performance problems and it just generally is difficult to refactor. It is actually really an interesting process and rewarding to be a part of this proccess. Can't wait to see the finished app.

matteokov profile image
Matteo Kovačić

Glad you like it.
Rewrite is usually the last resort, and it should be. When you start spending more time on refactors than on developing new features, this is a good sign to start thinking about rewriting. In a microservice architecture, it's much easier as you can rewrite service-per-service. In a monolith, most frequently it's all or nothing and time-consuming.

larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Yeah, totally agree! I do not think anyone does a full rewrite for the fun of it 😂 But sometimes it is the only real way forward.