DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (October 1st edition)

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Kyle Galbraith

I have a lot of open source projects that could use some documentation improvements or better tests. These are great for folks that are new to open source and I am happy to mentor folks through the PR process.

An example is this repository...

kylegalbraith / newsletter-automation

An AWS Lambda function that runs on a CRON schedule to grab content from a Google Sheet and generate a new MailChimp campaign. Read the detailed blog post here ->


An AWS Lambda function that runs on a CRON schedule to grab content from a Google Sheet and generate a new MailChimp campaign.

Getting Started

  1. You must create a g-auth.json file and add it to the src of this project next to serverless.yml. Instructions on how to create this authentication file for Google Sheets can be found here.
  2. Update serverless.yml with the appropriate environment variables.
  googleSheetId: <your-google-sheet-id>
  mailChimpKey: <your-mailchimp-api-key>
  mailchimpListId: <your-mailchimp-unique-list-id>
  1. Run npm install from the command line.
  2. Run serverless deploy from the command line.