DEV Community

Discussion on: 4 Reasons to Use React JS for Web Development

kylefilegriffin profile image
Kyle Griffin

Vue is picking up a lot of traction and the winning framework is going to be the one that is the most approachable, with ability to solve the problem right behind it. I would argue to compare to Angular is to ignore the massive green elephant in the room.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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kylefilegriffin profile image
Kyle Griffin

"The Progressive JavaScript Framework"

ianandhum profile image
Anandhu Manoj • Edited

React is not a Framework @evalenzuela , it is a " JavaScript library for building user interfaces". People often Consider React as a Framework, but react is not at all opinionated. Actually, it is a library to build a component-based structure with the virtues of Virtual DOM, Synthetic Events etc. With the new version of React(16.8.x), The class-based component architecture is also optional. (I hope I don't need to mention about JSX and all).

puritanic profile image
Darkø Tasevski • Edited

And Framework wars begin

Vue gives the developer too much liberty while writing code. I've been working on several Vue projects so far and only one of them wasn't spaghetti code mess. There is a valid reason why mixins are removed from React... React is a bit stricter, more readable and in the end, it's just plain Js and JSX.