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Discussion on: What are the alternatives to unit tests?

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Thanks for posting your experiences. ❤️ I have similar history with unit tests.

Nowadays, I no longer bother to test everything. I do not believe there is enough ROI in doing so for most of our apps. I mainly test business logic. And when I say that, I mean only business logic. I practice Dependency Rejection, so business logic code is purely logic and is very easy to test. I will highlight the difference with a couple of images.

Dependency Injection Test Surface Area

This kind of design is what you normally see exemplified in unit test demos with interfaces being injected into business code. This makes "business code" not only responsible for business calculations but also handling IO. Despite those things being represented as interfaces, the code will likely need to know specifics like which exceptions are thrown or other effect details which are unique to type of integration. So it has the appearance of decoupling while potentially being still quite coupled.

This kind of design also creates a lot of work in unit tests, since you have to create behavioral mocks of the injected components. The fact that you need a framework to dull the pain is a hint that it is not an optimal strategy.

Instead, I do this.

Dependency Rejection Test Surface Area

Here, the business logic code (inner circle) has no knowledge of other components outside of its purview... not even their interfaces. It only takes data in and returns other data. If IO is necessary to fetch the data, the logic does not care about it and is not responsible for it. Only once it is fetched do you run the logic code. It is also fair to give the logic code an object representing no data (e.g. Null Object Pattern or a Maybe). This is ridiculously easy to test since all you only have to pass in some data and check the the output matches what you expect.

For example, I might have some logic code like this:

let createItem existingItem data =
    match existingItem with
    | Some i -> Error ItemAlreadyExists
    | None -> validate data
    // validate: check required fields, invalid ranges, etc.

Then have a test like this:

    member __.``Duplicate items cannot be created`` () =
        let existingItem = Some { ... }
        let data = { ... }
        let expected = Error ItemAlreadyExists
        let actual = Logic.createItem existingItem data
        eq expected actual

How do I handle IO? I have an outer piece of code (I call a use case handler, or just "handler") which is responsible for tying the logic to other integrations (database, API calls, etc.) needed for the use case. Sometimes logic steps are interleaved with IO, and so the logic has different function/methods for each step. The handler must check the logic response from the first step and perform appropriate IO before calling the next step.

This design draws a very fine line between which types of testing is appropriate for which parts. Unit testing (even property-based) is appropriate for business logic code. Integration testing is appropriate for the integration libraries used by the handler. End-to-end testing is appropriate for the handler code itself since it may deal with multiple integrations. But the main win, and the most important thing to the business is the business code -- that decisions are correct. And this is now the easiest piece to test. The other parts are no harder to test than they were before, but still not worth the ROI for us yet.

kayis profile image

Ah, yeah I read about these things.

But all the examples were in FP languages I didn't know, so I didn't take much from it.

bosepchuk profile image
Blaine Osepchuk

You might want to search for the "humble object pattern" if you want to learn more about Kasey's testing strategy.