DEV Community

Discussion on: Let's Clean Up: Ugly Try-Catches!

kmaschta profile image

Ugly isn't really a professional adjective to use.
A chunk of code can be simple or complex, fast or slow, stateful or stateless, among others measurable metrics.

Saying a code is "clean" or "ugly" is really subjective, it's an opinion. For example, a try/catch isn't intrinsically ulgy nor bad by itself.

Every instruction in a codebase is a technical choice made in a certain context that must be understood. A hackathon blockchain explorer will have a different codebase than a battle-tested and historical ERP.

It's pretty reductive for our field to use such adjectives.

I don't wanna be rude, but the JavaScript ecosystem doesn't need a new (26 lines of code) package while receiving a "go clean your code" with it.
I know there is a lot of new developers on this platform, and this is awesome! But this is not the kind of message we need to send them.

coly010 profile image
Colum Ferry

Agree: it is subjective.
Disagree: JS ecosystem doesn't need a new package (whatever the reasoning behind it is).

Without developers trying to think of new ways to make their own and others lives maybe just that little bit easier, then we would never innovate. We wouldn't get new technologies.

If a dev, at any level, has an idea for how to make their life easier, we should be at least encouraging them to investigate it, not telling them to sit on it just because it may not be needed, (which is also subjective).

Is native XHR API bad or ugly? Subjective, but we still have Fetch, Axios, Angular Http etc.

So yes, it's subjective. If you don't mind try catches, still use them, if you don't like how they look, or have been burned with bugs caused or relating to their usage, then there is an alternative.