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Rendering localized JSX in React Components

Imagine the following scenario:

  • you are localizing your solution
  • the messages should include variables provided at runtime
  • some messages need to be rendered as HTML

The first two requirements are quite simple, but rendering HTML embedded in JSX component is not, because by default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them.
Luckily, there's also a way to natively embed HTML in a React component using dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

declare interface ICustomStrings {
declare module 'CustomStrings' {
  const strings: ICustomStrings ;
  export = strings;
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define([], function() {
  return {
  "LocalizedString_Variable":"Copying {0} item(s) to {1}...",
  "LocalizedString_HTML":"<Label >If needed, you will find the deleted items in the</Label> <a href='{0}' target='_blank' underline >Recycle Bin</a>"
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Here we simply insert some variables into the LocalizedString_Variable string.

import { format } from '@fluentui/utilities';
import * as strings from 'CustomStrings';
import { Spinner, SpinnerSize } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Spinner';

export default function CopyItemsForm1(props: ICopyItemsFormProps) {
    const [spinnerTxt, setSpinnerTxt] = React.useState<string>(strings.Spinner_PleaseWait);

    async function handleSubmit(): Promise<void> { 
        setSpinnerTxt(format(strings.Spinner_Coyping, props.selectedRows.length, props.targetListName));
    return <>

        <Spinner size={SpinnerSize.large} label={spinnerTxt} ariaLive="assertive" />

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And here we make sure that the HTML is not escaped by the React DOM:

import { format } from '@fluentui/utilities';
import * as strings from 'CustomStrings';
import { MessageBar, MessageBarType } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/MessageBar';
export default function CopyItemsForm2(props: ICopyItemsFormProps) {
    return <>
        <MessageBar messageBarType={MessageBarType.warning} isMultiline={true} >
            <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: format(strings.LocalizedString_HTML, recycleBinUrl) }} ></div>

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Y, voilà!
I know it's a bit RTFM situation, but maybe it will help someone =)

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