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Kirsten A. Gosselin
Kirsten A. Gosselin

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Best JavaScript Frameworks 2020

The 1st place in our list of Best JavaScript Frameworks goes to Angular. Angular is the best front end framework used for making single page applications.
This single page applications are made using simple HTML and TypeScript. Today Angular is used for developing large scale projects in big companies.
Angular is one of the most secure JavaScript Framework used for developing applications. Currently millions of websites are using Angular including Microsoft, IBM and Google.
Component Based Architecture in Angular saves you a lot of time and also provide consistency for larger applications.

The 2nd spot in the list goes to ReactJS. One of the favourite JavaScript Framework of most of the developers.
It is an open source front end JavaScript Library that was created by Facebook.React introduced a Component Based Architecture for creating interactive UIs and mainly for developing single page applications.
React's concept of β€˜Virtual DOM’ that only renders components that have changed instead of rendering the whole page. It uses simple JSX syntax.

The 3rd rank in our list goes to VueJS. Vue.js is an open source front end MVVM or model-view-viewmodel JavaScript Framework developed by Evan You in 2014, and is used to develop interactive User Interfaces(UIs) and Single Page Applications.
It is written in JavaScript and TypeScript.Its main goal is to provide UIs that are as simple as possible.
Vue.js is more lightweight JavaScript Framework as compared to ReactJS and AngularJS.

The 4th spot in this list goes to EmberJS. It is an open source JavaScript Framework used for developing single page web applications.
Ember is a full stack framework which supports development of large scale projects. While in comparison Vue.js does not support development of large scale projects.

The last JavaScript Framework on my list is ExpressJS. It is an open source software under the MIT.
Express is used as a back end web application for Node.js and it is used for developing web applications and APIs. It facilitates rapid development of Node based applications.

Top comments (21)

andrewchmr profile image
Andriy Chemerynskiy

This ranking is not quite clear for me

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey:
Angular has lost its popularity and become the most dreaded framework in 2020

Why is it in the 1st place? πŸ€”

kirstenagossel1 profile image
Kirsten A. Gosselin

Because of its large community support and use in enterprise scale applications

storytellercz profile image
Jan Dvorak

I think we have here merger of framework and libraries. React and Vue are not frameworks. They are both libraries focused on the view layer. But I guess that those two terms get merged a lot in JavaScript. It makes more sense to compare Ember with Meteor than Ember with React. React on its own doesn't have data layer or build system, so it is kind of weird to compare those two.

kirstenagossel1 profile image
Kirsten A. Gosselin • Edited

some developers consider React as a framework, while some library and talking about vue the official website itself mention it as progressive framework

giannifed profile image
Gianni Feduzi

look for Sveltejs

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

riot.js is the clear winner for me

giannifed profile image
Gianni Feduzi

Very interesting. Looks like svelte.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Svelte does seem to borrow a lot from it. Riot is now at version 5 and has been around considerably longer

jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

Angular is more popular, for sure than Angular.js. Angular.js is on the way out as you probably already know, but yes there's still a large installed base for it. I'm an Angular fan myself. I feel that google will continually improve it. It's a perfect match for ASP.NET Core which is the most popular of them all according to StackOverFlow Survey.

shadowtime2000 profile image

No offense but this looks like a low quality list lacking research effort. First of all, AngularJS and Angular are not the same thing. Secondly, React and Vue are not frameworks, they are libraries. Lastly, why did you put Express on this list if you are comparing frontend frameworks? Express is a backend framework.

xxanth0s profile image

Sorry, but I am pretty sure, that you are not really familiar with Angular, when you are mixing it up with AngularJS. That are two completely different Frameworks.
Also Svelte is currently way more popular than EmberJS.

brownio profile image
Antonio Djigo

I feel this post has been made to trigger me

kirstenagossel1 profile image
Kirsten A. Gosselin

So that you can write a way better post

gktim profile image
gkTim • Edited

Vue is a really good framework! And my first choice for personal and single customer projects. If it is a large application or I need a multicustomer application with custom development. I prefer an angular app.

All frameworks are good. It depends on the use case.

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

React is Nr.1 this ranking is your personal ranking not the reality.

kirstenagossel1 profile image
Kirsten A. Gosselin


shrihankp profile image

AngularJS and Angular are different. AngularJS and Angular have different implementations(AFAIK)

kirstenagossel1 profile image
Kirsten A. Gosselin

Yess I know, its n typo..

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

hybrids.js is the clear winner for me

janpauldahlke profile image
jan paul

Angular is Rank 1. LOL?

giannifed profile image
Gianni Feduzi

maybe 4 years ago