DEV Community

Discussion on: Are you an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between?

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I don't really know.

I'd say I'm an introvert, because it gives me energy to be alone at home all day.

I even started working remote, so I could get this feeling most of the time even "at the job".

On the other hand I'm often going out and meet many people.

I'm living polyamorous with multiple partners which requires me to travel. Also, I organize a poly-meetup once a month and I go on parties 1-3 times a month.

I like these things and meeting with my partners, friends or even strangers at parties is an important part of my life.

But I was at conferences and didn't like it much and it felt kinda stressing being around these people. Same as with any job related contact I had, most people in the industry just aren't my kind of jam.