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Easy way to create single page app

The list of libraries available for deploying web apps, the list does try to aim to be easiest way to deploy single page apps on web.

Web libraries

  • Phoenix LiveView (Elixir)

So many possibilities with real time data updates on page. Requires server.

  • Rust+Wasm Yew framework, or flask-like Rocket in Rust

Write full front end using Yew (WASM) and backend in Rust.

  • Flask (Python)

Battle tested, easy to use. Hard to achieve good concurrency and real time updates without good coding/infrastructure support

  • Node.js/Deno (Express/Oak)

Async, speedy JS. Best for prototypes and production.

  • Nim code (backend and front end), karax for single page applications

Compilation to JS makes it much better to make web apps. Backend is also stupid fast

  • Akka + Scala.js

Using Akka HTTP for backend and Scala.js for front end. JVM and sbt are a drag to use

  • CLJS (figwheel-main, shadow-cljs)

Write Clojurescript. Good, easy and hot reload setup. Lisp. Excellent for single page apps

  • Flutter app

Possibility to port a website to mobile app. But generally, writing dart is better than JS, flutter productivity is good

  • Using ReScript+React SPA

Looks like Scala but OCaml, easier/faster to learn than typescript??, with really good tooling and very concise JS output. No server side ReScript.

  • Dart (Angular Dart)

Another heavy framework, dart2js -O3 gives concise output. (Although, Rescript is faster to learn)

JS Apps

  1. WMR + Preact (fast and easy to use)
  2. Svelte. Easy to use and understand.
  3. Angular/React?
  4. AlpineJS or Stimulus (great for HTML heavy with small JS)
  5. htmx
  6. MVP.css


  1. Glitch (static free, paid servers)
  2. Replit (static free, node servers - free for now?)
  3. Render (static free, paid for server based)
  4. Firebase+Cloud Run (firebase hosting free for static sites, host assets on Firebase CDN and any server on Cloud Run, has good free tier)
  5. Github Pages (static only - free)
  6. Vercel (static only with server less functions support, no servers)
  7. Cloud Run
  8. Fleek (static - decentralized)
  9. Heroku?
  10. Surge (static)


  1. is a p2p database, super easy to setup and very fast. This is truly simple and revolutionary

Using the database is as simple as docker run -p 8765:8765 gundb/gun

node or js

for js include cdn

var Gun = require('gun');
var gun = Gun(["http://localhost:8765"]);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. firebase
  2. supabase

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