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Jhon Wilson
Jhon Wilson

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E-commerce Security Basics: How to Start with E-commerce Security

When it comes to security and maintenance of an e-commerce, a lot of store owners fail. Why? Mainly because it requires undivided focus and a continuous effort. You can't avoid it and it is important part of your business acumen. You can solve the problem a great deal by getting a security tool that automates the process for you. Additionally, it helps to revops your business.

Security concern is top concern in the online world and you need to consider it always weather you are start an online business, blog and website. You need to add security features to make secure your online assets from online threats.

That being said, there are steps that can help you in preventing security threats to a certain extent. Today, in this post, we are going to look at the different dimensions of e-commerce security and the proven measures that enhance it.

E-commerce security is one of the most important aspects of running a successful e-commerce store. While there is a whole range of e-commerce security threats one needs to watch out for, implementing a few measures does the trick in stopping them. It is more necisity of new herbal dyamics ecommerce company to secure their transaction from online threats.

Source Stanfield IT

Studies have shown that approximately

- 54% of e-commerce stores have faced at least one cyber-attack.
-only 38% of these stores were successful in handling the attacks.
-60% of small businesses close down permanently within six months of a cyberattack.

The statistics are scary. But this shouldn’t stop you from owning . And after you have ensured the following security measures are in place, you would not need to.

How to Ensure Protection From E-commerce Threats

1. Invest in Top-notch Security

If you’re storing big data for your data scientists, It is very important to invest in good security software and applications. There are so many tools required for airtight security like firewalls, scanners, malware removal, antivirus, etc. Instead of getting all these tools separately, it is wiser to get a single application to do all the work.

It is equally important to ensure that all these tools run in their latest versions. Routine updating, scanning, and backing up of data is very essential. As we know VOIP is the future of business communication, and we should take it from well known VoIP Providers to avoid any secuirty threats related to communication.

Invest-in-Top-notch-Security Astra Security Suite

Sharing documents securely over internet is also an important concern in online selling so you can use a safe QR Code Generator to convert pdfs to a QR Code and share your documents in code form to recipient in more secure way.

Also, you need to hire best service provider such as email marketing services, lead generation services, secure payment services, etc. for smooth E-commerce operation.

You also need to hire a secure financial service provider such as to avoid any online financial lose for you ecommerce business.

2. Become PCI Compliant

To prevent credit card frauds, a council of major credit card companies was formed. They established a set of guidelines called PCI DSS (Payment card Council data security standards). It is mandatory to follow these guidelines if your e-commerce allows credit-card transactions.It is an essential factors of Build vs Buy platform for business.

12 Requirements of PCI DSS, Source:

3. Install SSL Certificate

Source: SpeedHost
An SSL Certificate ensures that sensitive data, like credit card information, is sent across the internet in encrypted form. It makes accessing sensitive information a difficult task for hackers. An added benefit is that websites with an SSL certification rank better and get more online traffic.

4. Secure Payments with CVV and Use AVS

Card Verification Value (CVV) is a unique three or four-digit number printed on credit cards. You can make it mandatory for the customers to enter the CVV when they are paying using credit cards. This way, you can ensure the customer is the cardholder.
Often hackers extract credit card numbers off the internet. However, they cannot use these for purchasing from your e-commerce store, if you ask for the CVV.
Using Address Verification Service (AVS) can help detect fraudulent orders and scams and. AVS compares the address of the credit card holder and the address provided by the customer. It become more essential for new eCommerce store to build trust and secure brand awareness in the their particular area.

5. Digital Signatures

Source DocuSign
A digital signature is just like a handwritten signature, unique to the signer. A private key is produced using mathematical algorithms when the document is electronically signed. This technique is adopted to certify the confidentiality and authenticity of the document. Digital signature can be used as a payment security measure, to ensure that sensitive data can only be accessed by authorized people. You can use available best digital signature tool such as Docusign and it's alternatives reviewwd by Attrock.

6. Opt for Signature on Deliver

Scammers claim to have not received the goods they purchased, even after receiving them. They do this because the e-commerce store owes them compensation under these circumstances. To avoid it you can leverage a robust delivery app and ask for the recipient's signature on delivery time.

7. Create strong passwords

This step sounds obvious and is very much overlooked, but it really shouldn't be. To create airtight securities, passwords must be complicated and secure. It must contain at least 12 characters and it should be a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters($, @,#......).

This security is helpfull for Online business or selling subscriptions online process.

Additionally, you can leverage an Anti money laundering software to detecte any fraud. It will help you do a secure and maintain rules and regulations for fair online business.


In order to ensure security for your e-commerce store there are a couple of things you need to take into consideration. This post lists the essentials that goes into maintaining notch security on your site.

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