DEV Community

John Peters
John Peters

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StyleSheet Internals

The Document StyleSheets Property

We wanted to take a look at all the CSS rules for an entire site. We discovered the

The code below:

  • Pulls all the styles sheets from the DOM
  • Maps each one
  • Collects the CSS rules for each
let styles = document.styleSheets;

private getTextContent(collection: StyleSheetList) {
    let oneArray = Array.from(collection);
    let cssRules = => {
      let ss: any = stylesheet;
      try {
        if (ss.rules) {          
          return ss.rules;
      } catch (error) {}
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We had to include the try catch because of this error.

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'rules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules

CSSRuleList Internals

  • The DOM contains the stylesheet list for entire site.
  • Each stylesheet contains a CSSRuleList.
  • Each Rule in that list may contain it's own CSSRuleList.
  • Each (Rule) known as a CSSStyleRule looks like this:
CSSStyleRule {
 selectorText: ".slider[_ngcontent-nko-c0]",
 style: CSSStyleDeclaration,
 styleMap: StylePropertyMap,
 type: 1,
 cssText: ".slider[_ngcontent-nko-c0] { 
  animation: 1s ease 0s 1 normal forwards running slidein; }",

cssText: ".slider[_ngcontent-nko-c0] { 
  animation: 1s ease 0s 1 normal forwards running slidein; }"
parentRule: null
parentStyleSheet: CSSStyleSheet {
 ownerRule: null,
 cssRules: CSSRuleList,
 rules: CSSRuleList,
 type: "text/css",
 href: null,

selectorText: ".slider[_ngcontent-nko-c0]"
style: CSSStyleDeclaration {
 0: "animation-duration",
 1: "animation-timing-function",
 2: "animation-delay",
 3: "animation-iteration-count",
 4: "animation-direction",
 5: "animation-fill-mode",
 6: "animation-play-state",
 7: "animation-name",
 alignContent: "",
 alignItems: "",
 alignSelf: "",
 alignmentBaseline: "",
 all: "",

styleMap: StylePropertyMap {size: 8}

type: 1
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Now that we've discovered this; maybe it's the foundation for yet another CSS tool, like this tool we created to see if we could develop a Css refactoring tool. What is shown is a table of all styles where we did no parsing at all.

Top comments (4)

harveysanders profile image
Harvey Sanders

What was the DOM exception thrown if you didn't use the try/catch?

jwp profile image
John Peters • Edited

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'rules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules.

harveysanders profile image
Harvey Sanders

Ah looks like because of a CORS violation. I didn't know realize this would throw an error until tofsy. Thanks!

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jwp profile image
John Peters

Thanks for posting link. FYI later today I'm posting this solution to GitHub. I'll let you know.