DEV Community

Discussion on: Note taking as a developer

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Junaid Anwar
  1. I use Google keep on my phone to keep all my notes
    -- voice memo notes that are automatically translated into text by Google voice recognition
    -- you can create a checklist of tasks you want to do
    -- take a picture from an event and add your notes to it int extra format below
    -- The best thing that I really love is it's web/cloud based. Change your computer or mobile phone, you don't have to worry about your notes being lost

  2. When I am on my computer is sublimetext to write down things in plain text

  3. I use real sticky notes (paper and pencil)

  4. I keep a mini white board on my computer table to understand by drawing how some complicated things work.

Advice: Use paper and pen to take your notes, it'll train your brain