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Discussion on: You Should be Using esm

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Not about the content, but tapping the ID links towards the top doesn't seem to work for me. My address bar updates, but nothing else happens.

bennypowers profile image
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 • Edited

Thanks for the notes. I used GFM-style anchor links, maybe they don't work the same on

issue for tracking

Markdown Headers Should Have IDs for Linking #682

Feature Request or Task

When users create headings in markdown, the headings should have ids added to enable linking throughout the document

[The History](#the-history)
[The Problem](#the-problem)
[`esm`: A Better Solution](#esm-a-better-solution)

## tl;dr:

## The History

## Transpiling

## The Problem

### The Cost of Transpiling

### Principles and Cognitive Load

## `esm`: A Simple Solution

## Summary

User Story / Description

Users with medium-to-long-form content might want to add a table of contents, or a link to a summary or tl;dr.

Definition of Done

When the links in the above snippet work as expected: clicking on one scrolls to the relevant header.