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jsalinas11 profile image
Jordan • Edited

Hmm, from reading your other comment it sounds like you might not know CSS super well. My suggestion there is to make sure you understand the box model. From there read up on the display property. These two things should help you with your general site layout. Make sure you understand the differences between a "display: block" element vs a "display: inline" element vs a "display: inline-block".

As for general design tips, web flow has a ton of great articles to help get you going. In their "Ebooks" section I'd recommend their Web design 101 book.

As for color schemes, you'll get a feel for it. People will say there are rules, but generally you have some idea of what is aesthetically pleasing. If not stick to the basics. There are some basic color schemes you can make use of, and remember every color scheme can include black/white and all the shades/tints between the two. You can also use a color generator like

Finally, you don't have to reinvent the wheel here. There are common design patterns that most websites make use of. Part of what makes so many web designs great is the familiarity of them. For example, navbar is always at the top, content in the middle, footer at the bottom. User info is in the top right, website logo is in the top left and clicking it takes you to the "home" page, etc. Try to stay true to these patterns until you're more comfortable breaking the rules.