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Ruby vs Elixir - FizzBuzz

Josh Hadik on February 01, 2019

I've been working through a lot of common interview questions recently as part of my daily reps, something I do everyday to force me to learn const...
art4ride profile image
Vladimir • Edited

Nice article, thanks for sharing! Quick suggestion:

You can get to pattern matching power in this place:

  defp get_fizz_buzz_value(num) do
    cond do
      rem(num, 15) == 0 -> "FizzBuzz"
      rem(num, 3) == 0 -> "Fizz"
      rem(num, 5) == 0 -> "Buzz"
      true -> to_string(num)
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  defp get_fizz_buzz_value(num) when rem(num, 15) == 0, do: "FizzBuzz"
  defp get_fizz_buzz_value(num) when rem(num, 3) == 0, do: "Fizz"
  defp get_fizz_buzz_value(num) when rem(num, 5) == 0, do: "Buzz"
  defp get_fizz_buzz_value(num), do: to_string(num)
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Might be even nicer to skip rem(,15) in favor of rem(,3) and 5 together separately, but it will also affect the Ruby code then

joshhadik profile image
Josh Hadik

I like this... a lot!

jeffweiss profile image
Jeff Weiss

Equivalent-ish, Elixir code golf solution:

1..31|> n when rem(n,15)==0->"FizzBuzz";n when rem(n,3)==0->"Fizz";n when rem(n,5)==0->"Buzz";n->n end)|>IO.inspect
joshhadik profile image
Josh Hadik

Haha always love a good one liner!