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Discussion on: Database constraints considered harmful?

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Jon Lauridsen

If I may push back a bit, what does it matter if the client may consider letting users change their email some time in the future? If they say yes, would you design for functionality that isn't needed now? What if they say yes, but never get to it? What if they say yes, but actually what they need next year is something else? What if they say no, but actually meant yes?

We can both agree it's crucial to talk to our customers :), but I'll assert that in the majority of cases a discussion about "any point in the future" is too vague and too theoretical to be of use. I'd rather suggest we build what is needed right now: A User table with an email column. That's it. In data-storage terms I don't care if it's unique or not as I'll handle that in the more flexible code, all I know in data-storage terms is I need to store an email and right now the need is for it to be associated with a User. No constraints to mimic business logic, no concessions for theoretical futures, just what's needed to make the app work right now.

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

I don't care if it's unique or not as I'll handle that in the more flexible code,

Now you have to write it several times if there are multiple entry paths to the database

all I know in data-storage terms is I need to store an email and right now the need is for it to be associated with a User

So let's model the database with a UserContactMethod table:
ID (Primary Key)
UserID (Foreign key to the User table)
Contact method (enumerated value of phone/email/Twitter handle)

Not a lot of effort to design up front and now caters for 0..N email address against a single User, the same email against multiple users and automatic extendability for other contact methods.. NOT modelling this according to the real world entities will likely result in significant remodeling in the future.