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Discussion on: [JavaScript] - How to craft intuitive and self-documenting code

johnboy5358 profile image
John • Edited

Or, alternatively ...

const formattedHotels = (byCountry, hotelsAry) =>
  hotelsAry.reduce((selectedHotels, hotel) =>
    ( === byCountry.toLowerCase())
      ? [
              phone: `(${,3)}) ${,6)} ${}`}
      : selectedHotels
  , []);

const usHotels = formattedHotels('usa', hotels);

This will probably make you squint, but it's short and sweet!

[edited: 16JUNE]


On reflection though, maybe, as you are talking about decomposing code as much as possible; then this might be a better solution...

// propCmp => compare the value of a property of an object using a predicate function.
// propCmp : (fn, String) -> Object -> Boolean|undefined
const propCmp = (pred, key) => obj => (key in obj) ? (pred(obj[key]) ? true : false ) : undefined

// a predicate function to determine if the value of a property is === 'usa'
const isUSA = val => (val.toLowerCase() === 'usa')

// use propCmp to see if country is === 'usa|USA'
const countryEqUSA = propCmp(isUSA, 'country')

// function to format the hotel phone no.
const formatHot = hotl => ({...hotl, phone: `(${,3)}) ${,6)} ${}`})

// a function to format selected hotels.
const formatHotels = (byCountry, htelsAry) =>

console.log(formatHotels(countryEqUSA, hotels))

Hope one of these two methods clicks with you.

Keep up the fp posts.
