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Johnathon roy
Johnathon roy

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The Worst WordPress Development Mistakes

WordPress provides all the components which make your content or article more readable. Even everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress. WordPress is the most popular open-source CMS on the web, as well as it has an exciting and supporting community.

Here are the some most common mistakes, people do while using-

Mistake #1. Using too many plugins

No doubt plugins are useful but are often very intriguing causing in which users have to download it first to see what they do. As well as too many plugins affect your website’s performance.

How to fix it:
It is really simple, just keep in mind that use only those plugins which is useful. Or even only one plugin that you need for your websites to function.

Mistake #2. Not backing up your website

Sometimes, users forget or neglect to come to the backup of their websites. And it is the common mistake or an error that can make drastic consequences to the users and their website. Backup save all the contents and other stuff of your website.

How to fix it:
To back up your website install one of several WordPress plugins or utilize the services of a website security team and save it. And it makes your website safe and secure as well.

Mistake #3. Lack of SEO practice.

Publishing content without SEO is a huge loss or any website because SEO is a method to increase the traffic on your website.

How to fix it:
Plugins like Yoast help to improve your website’s SEO which is to get a higher rank on Google.

Mistake #4. Not optimizing the permalink structure

The default setting for the permalink structure in WordPress isn’t optimized for SEO. So it is difficult to know that it is the right way or not.

How to fix it:
To fix it or we can say to optimize your website’s SEO, change the default permalink structure. To do this, go to the “settings” then “permalinks” and select the “Post name”. Also, be sure to change permalinks for the old content to redirect to the new content.

There some more major mistakes of WordPress development to know them-

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