DEV Community

Johnathon roy
Johnathon roy

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Complete Guide about Node Developers

Node.js is rapidly and widely taking over as the go-to technology by the developers across the globe in building various Projects in Web Application framework, Social media apps, Real-time tracking apps, Video and text chat engines, Online games, Collaboration tools, and Backend static file server, etc. Evidently, Node.js is gaining prominence amongst big techno giants and they are actively on the lookout to hire Node.js developers to like never before because of the ease it offers in building fast and scalable network applications.

What is Node.js

Node.js was introduced by Ryan Dahl back in 2009, Dahl criticized the restricted possibilities of ‘Apache HTTP Server’ in handling a lot of concurrent connections and code creating a procedure (sequential programming), where code blocked the entire process or multiple execution stacks in case of the simultaneous connections.

It is a run-time environment that is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine where the user gets the flexibility to work on both the client and the server-side as well. Node.js is an open-source framework that runs on popular OS platforms like Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Node is best suited for data-intensive, real-time applications that run across distributed devices as it is an asynchronous event-driven, non-blocking I/O model (lightweight and efficient for such intense applications).

Safety advantages:

Good Performance
Coupling in client and server
Hosting service
Lightweight Node.js services
Supports quick native binding
Minimum viable product (MVP) delivery
Easy to use, open-source packages and modules
Ease of execution & installation
Supports multiple-platform

Why Node For Your Projects

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