DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v88

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Joel Rozen

Hi Dev 👋🏻

Long time Medium subscriber here - found this platform after listening to SEDaily’s podcast on Forem last week.

I have been playing around with next.js static generation recently and so the podcast really interested me taking about how everything is as static as possible served from the edge - and boy when I first fired up I was not disappointed! It is lightning!

That alone pretty much had me sold!

In any case, I’ve been off and on “developing” since my early teens. Dabbled in HTML/css back in the early-mid 2000s but never really became any “good” at it. I tried learning JavaScript at one point when AJAX was first becoming popular and I just “didn’t get it”. At all.

Later on I tried tackling PHP, even bought PHP 5 For Dummies, made it around half way through that book and gave up.

Didn’t touch coding for about 13 years and now here I am, co-founded a software company last year (I was supposed to bring the “business” side of business partner), but 18 months later and I am full time coding - mostly in PHP and JavaScript (and Typescript) of all things!

I think the community around devs and online learning especially has exploded since I dabbled in my teen years, and I feel like every day there’s a whole new world to learn about (and not just languages). Either that or I just wasn’t very good at searching back when Ask Jeeves and Yahoo were my primary search engines.

Anyway, great to find this platform and I’m really looking forward to even more worlds opening up before me.