DEV Community

Jobayed Sumon
Jobayed Sumon

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Voice Based Email Service for Visually Impaired People

Project Title: Voice Based Email Service for Visually Impaired People

The objective is to create a voice based email service for
visually impaired people that will complete the following task:

 1. Creating a dynamic and responsive cloud based email platform.
 2. Integrating text-to-speech and speech-to-text API to the 
 3. Compose, read and send emails through voice commands.
 4. Login through voice commands.
 5. Complete dashboard for all the basic email functionalities able 
    to navigate through various mouse click combination.
 6. Maintain a database for all the user and email information.
 7. Help the visually challenged peoples of the society to use one 
    of the most important communication medium of internet i.e 

Development Languages:
The languages that will be used to develop this platform is given

1. PHP 7.
2. Laravel Framework 6.
3. MySQL 8.
4. Javascript.
5. Jquery 3.
6. Bootstrap 4.
7. HTML 5.
8. CSS 3.

Github repository:

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