DEV Community

Discussion on: Evergreen skills to use throughout your career?

jishvi profile image
Jishnu Vasanth

Adding these to your arsenal might come in handy.

  • Design patterns like MVC, MVVM, singleton and abstract factory.
  • Programming paradigms like object-oriented and procedure-oriented.
  • Design principles such as SOLID, KISS, DRY and YAGNI.
  • Coding conventions and standards such as usage of whitespace and comments, naming variables and functions.
  • Collaboration and working as a team.
  • Software Development Life Cycle and knowledge of software development frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and Extreme Programming.
  • Writing maintainable, scalable and robust code.
dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thank you, Jishnu.

What I understood here is that skills don't have much to do with technologies but with underlying principles needed to build software nowadays (as it's not possible to keep up with everything).

jishvi profile image
Jishnu Vasanth

Exactly! Technologies change rapidly. But if you are well versed in the underlying principles, you'll be able to build a solid software no matter what technology you are using.