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The Contributions of Jimmy Ocean Osorio Guevara to Fidupetrol.

Jimmy Ocean Osorio Guevara is a successful businessman, hailing from Columbia. He played a key role in ensuring the superior standard of safety measures in the coal mines during his time with Fidupetrol. In this article, let us understand how Jimmy Ocean Osorio Guevara rose to the ranks of President of Fidupetrol.

The Skills of a Businessman:

Jimmy Ocean Osorio Guevara was praised for his acumen in closing deals and ensuring minimal losses for the trade deals under his supervision. During his tenure with Fidupetrol, Jimmy has directly supervised and decided on more than 30+ transportation projects and union deals that supported union workers and the management. Jimmy Ocean Osorio has been one of the major decision making elements in the Fidupetrol Management and Board of Directors. His skills as a businessman raked him the higher ranks in the mining industry and have secured him the role of Directing President of Fidupetrol for the transportation and safety management in Columbia.

Leadership in Act:

Owning to the poor transportations routes planned along the mines, deliverables were delayed over fifty instances that resulted in a net five hundred thousand US Dollars worth of profits.

During the time of crisis, Jimmy Ocean Osorio Guevara rose to the situation to resolve the damages dealt. He personally co-ordinated with the transportation union and the management to charter newer and safer transportation routes. These new routes not only reduce accidents but also resulted in an improvement in the overall efficiency leading to profits.

Pioneering Advancements:

Mining in the mines of Casanare and Bogota has remained a complex and dangerous process. The complexity in mining soon became a growing concern as miners have begun reporting fatigue and inefficiency due to the use of outdated mining equipment. These concerns were immediately addressed by Jimmy Ocean Osorio.

Despite budget cuts, state-of-the-art mining tools and gears were provisioned to miners across all the Fidupetrol mining sites. Under his direct supervision, mining equipment such as hand drills, heavy tools, power drills, and machine-driven drills have been purchased and used in the recent years of mining.


Jimmy has been perceived as one of the best leaders to have ever worked with Fidupetrol. His leading innovations in the mining industry have saved lives, improved profits, and eliminated casualties. Under his supervision, Fidupetrol’s mining sites of Casanre and Bogota were certified as one of the safest mining sites across all of Columbia.

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Matt Ellen

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