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Discussion on: From Rails to Elixir: Know Your App

jdcosta profile image
JD Costa

Hi, great feedback, thanks!

Just read your post about rewrites and I can relate, going for a rewrite in the context of a company requires careful analysis and planning, but there are some edge cases where it's in fact necessary. You said it all in there.

I guess Elixir/Phoenix feels familiar for Ruby devs. It inherits some things from the Ruby culture like great open source support (people do care about maintaining their extensions, etc) and a tendency for simplicity. Similarities in syntax also help, but as I'm discovering, it's merely superficial.

Personally, I'm leaning over Elixir because I feel that I'm getting what I usually get from Ruby/Rails (tooling, community, simplicity, convention over configuration) and more. It's very easy to create a project and start playing with it, mix does pretty much everything for you.

I don't feel the same with Go. I can't say much more because my experience with it is negligible, but I felt that I would have to spend more time thinking about setup/configuration and actual code. I love to write code, don't get me wrong, but I prefer a "less bloated" language in terms of syntax. It allows me to prototype faster and spend more time thinking about the workflow.

Yeah, DHH is very bold in his interventions. I do agree with the idea behind his article, but now we have this new thing that might deliver development speed in the same order of magnitude and at the same time puts you in a better position for the future (in case you come across scaling issues).

Great! The next one will be about how I usually approach rewrites in order to reduce friction during the process.

rhymes profile image

Thanks for the explanation, I think you made the right choice as I said and indeed tooling can seem a bit more "unixy" and primitive with Go, but this too is because of its philosophy. Tooling it's getting better though. I love Go but Makefiles feel like a step back.

The main selling point in deployment for Go is that you distribute a single binary exec, that you can cross compile and that takes a short time.

I only disagree with one remark you made or maybe I misunderstood your use of the adjective. When you talk about "less bloated" what do you mean? Go is famous for how compact its syntax is. I'm not implying Go is a simpler language to use (after all Elixir abstractions have tons of value) but I wouldn't say "bloat" either :D

Yeah, DHH is very bold in his interventions

I feel like he has become better at explaining the why behind his bold statements in the last few years. I find myself agreeing more and more with his development world view, even if I might not agree 100% with the solution or something (eg. Rails concerns :D)

Great! The next one will be about how I usually approach rewrites in order to reduce friction during the process.


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jdcosta profile image
JD Costa • Edited

indeed tooling can seem a bit more "unixy" and primitive with Go

Makes sense. If I'm not mistaken, Go was created to be a system's language but I may be wrong

When you talk about "less bloated" what do you mean?

My experience writing Go code is close to zero, I may be saying something silly, but everytime I see a code snippet in Go it looks kind of noisy. Well, "noisy" might not be the right word. Cluttered?
I don't know if it's the amount of symbols, or the type declartions, or even the actual convention of naming things in PascalCase like:

func randomString() string {
  myStr, err := someLib.RandString()

  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("I don't care")

  return myStr

Which looks strange to me because my eye is trained for Ruby:

def random_string
  puts "I don't care"

Well, one day I'll find the motivation to write some proper Go and get over it :)

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rhymes profile image

Makes sense. If I'm not mistaken, Go was created to be a system's language but I may be wrong

I thought so too, but the info I had was incomplete. Go was created for Google's problems. Thousands of developers working with a monorepo and millions of C++ and Java code taking ages to compile. They created a language that was simple to pickup (also for less experienced devs) and had fast compilation time.

From Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering:

The goals of the Go project were to eliminate the slowness and clumsiness of software development at Google, and thereby to make the process more productive and scalable. The language was designed by and for people who write—and read and debug and maintain—large software systems.
Go's purpose is therefore not to do research into programming language design; it is to improve the working environment for its designers and their coworkers. Go is more about software engineering than programming language research. Or to rephrase, it is about language design in the service of software engineering.

So, it was created as a practical working language that was going to be maintanable at large and, initially, would have replaced C++. The thing is C++ programmers outside Google didn't convert in mass, mainly because it's garbage collected and that can be a problem with limited resources and system programming. That's probably why Rust is more interesting to them.

Regarding Go and system programming, Rob Pike says, in the same talk:

For a systems language, garbage collection can be a controversial feature, yet we spent very little time deciding that Go would be a garbage-collected language. Go has no explicit memory-freeing operation: the only way allocated memory returns to the pool is through the garbage collector.

He later backtracked on the idea of Go as a "systems programming language". From a later talk with the C++ creator and D and Rust core developers:

When we first announced Go, we called it a systems programming language, and I slightly regret that because a lot of people assumed it was an operating systems writing language. What we should have called it is a server writing language, which is what we really thought of it as. Now I understand that what we have is a cloud infrastructure language. Another definition of systems programming is the stuff that runs in the cloud.

Indeed Go is mainly used to write networked servers.

I may be saying something silly, but everytime I see a code snippet in Go it looks kind of noisy. Well, "noisy" might not be the right word. Cluttered?

It may have something to do with the explicit error handling. I hated it in the beginning, I still wish there was a better way (I come from exceptions as well) but I understand why they did it. The big advantage is forcing developers to handle error there and then.

Another thing I started loving is the difference between myStr and MyStr, the first is private to the module, the second is public. Very simple. I think simplicity is what they aimed for for many features, sometimes at the expense of features (like generics).