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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 16: Flawed Frequency Transmission

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Jon Bristow

Woof, thanks to the hints contained in Rizwan's solution, I was able to construct a 3 second part 2:

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.math.abs

object Day16r {
    private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day16r.txt"
    val fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).first().trim().map { it.toString().toLong() }
    private val basePattern = arrayOf(0, 1, 0, -1)

    fun part1(input: List<Long>) = nFft1(100, input).take(8).joinToString("").toInt()
    fun part2(input: List<Long>): Int =
            n = 100,
            input = generateSequence { input }

    private fun fft(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        val half = input.size / 2
        val next = MutableList(input.size) { 0L }

        input.take(half).forEachIndexed { i, _ ->
            next[i] = input.mapIndexed { j, it -> j to it }
                .drop(i).filter { (j, _) ->
                    ((j + 1) / (i + 1)) % 2 != 0
                .fold(0L) { acc, (j, c) ->
                    acc + c * basePattern[((j + 1) / (i + 1)) % 4]
        (1..half).asSequence().forEach {
            next[half + it - 1] = input.slice(half + it - 1 until input.size).sum()
        return { abs(it) % 10 }


    private fun fft2(input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        val next = MutableList(size = input.size, init = { 0L })
        var value = 0L
        for (i in (1 until input.size)) {
            value += input[input.lastIndex - i]
            next[next.lastIndex - i] = value
        return { abs(it) % 10 }

    private tailrec fun nFft1(n: Int, input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        return when {
            n < 1 -> input
            else -> nFft1(n - 1, fft(input))

    private tailrec fun nFft2(n: Int, input: List<Long>): List<Long> {
        return when {
            n < 1 -> input
            else -> nFft2(n - 1, fft2(input))

fun main() {
    println("part1: ${Day16r.part1(Day16r.fileData)}")
    println("part2: ${Day16r.part2(Day16r.fileData)}")