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Discussion on: Will Java Trend Towards Obscurity?

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

The interop is good, but it’s not perfect. It’s especially bad when reflection is involved (see what happens when you deserialize data class Data(val SomeKey:String) with jackson.)

Other problems revolve around functions named to and in and is being unusable in some situations.

Not to mention that one gremlin dsl class named __!

Kotlin is nice, but IMO the interop is less nice than Clojure’s interop or even the F#/C# interop

pancy profile image
Pan Chasinga

I missed the point of how the interop could be better in Clojure. For one, you can't write serious Clojure for Android, which is a major use case for Java nowadays. What I really disliked when using Clojure interop is that I ended up writing "clunky" Clojure just to fit into Java's way of doing things. Just having to use an object-oriented call from a Lisp syntax feels really messy.

IMO Kotlin has the best interop story so far for everyday use cases.

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jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

True, but I almost never had to just "cast and hope" with clojure calling java code. When it comes to "serious" java (read: "enterprise class" with as much derision as possible) reflection tends to become involved and Kotlin's type system is quite a bit more conservative.

I agree about the awkwardness of

(let [b (SomeBean. )]
  (.setA b a-value)
  (.setB b b-value)

I tended to hide those away under the rug.

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pancy profile image
Pan Chasinga

That was spot on. I love functional programming and Clojure got me for a while until I had to do exactly that.

In my wildest dreams I see Lisp becomes a mainstream language people use to teach and learn programming. I'm still writing Scheme on the side sometimes.

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jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Tangentially, looking at my let, I saw a familiar construct staring back at me:

val b = SomeBean().apply {
  a = aValue
  b = bValue
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pancy profile image
Pan Chasinga

LOL. Actually Kotlin stole quite a lot from Scala, which is a functional language inspired by Lisp. So your observation wasn't wrong.