DEV Community

Discussion on: What is and is not "artificial intelligence"?

jasman7799 profile image
Jarod Smith

I think non-technical people use A.I. to describe systems which make decisions or calculations that people would make ordinarily. Technical types are usually referring to deep-learning systems nowadays. I think if you are looking for an accurate definition, it's hard since the statement is redundant. Artificial means to be human-made and intelligence is the ability to adapt the solution to new problems.

The problem with this is that it's also the definition for normal human problem-solving. As such, I think machine-intelligence is more accurate and describes the ability of a computer to adapt solutions to new problems sets. Then there are degrees generality which describe how abstractly the machine can "think".

  • ANI or narrow intelligence, the ability to solve a narrow set of problem with some set of experience
  • AGI, general intelligence, the ability to solve a wide set of problems with a set of experience
  • ASI, super intelligence a term scientists use describe a system which can solve a set of problems which are out of the domain of humans. (aka smarter than people)