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It's my first blog so i am not familiar with writing the blog...So could you provide me tips and feedbacks that needs to improved in the comment section .Thanks in advance!!!

Javascript is a scripting language which was used for manipulating dom but now it becomes more powerful with different frameworks.

Javascript Data types:

  1. Primitive Types

    In Primitive types the datas are stored as values in memory(Call by value) and are fixed in size

      - Boolean
      - Null
      - Undefined
      - Number
      - String
      - Symbol
  2. Non-Primitive Type

    In Non-Primitive types the datas are stored in memory with its address and reference the value(Call by reference).It is not in fixed size


It is either true or false
Example: var isOdd =true;

In javascript null is an type where it as absence of any type.(i.e no memory was created for that particular value)
Example: var name=null;

It means the variable with out any value.
Example:var name;

In javascript both integer and floating values are assigned with 'Number' type
Example:var value1=5;/var value2=5.2

It is a combination of characters
Example:var greeting="hello";

In javascript objects are key and value pair
Example:var name={firstName:"john",

Top comments (1)

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Andrew Baisden

Just a heads up that you can add highlighting to the code blocks if you'd like. Just change:

code block with no colors example

... to specify the language:

code block with colors example

More details in our editor guide!