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Discussion on: What is bad code?

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Dave Jacoby

I always ❤ MonkeyUser.

I think there's more to it than that. For example I try to keep subroutines to where I can see everything they do in one screen, and while that used to be 24 rows by 80 columns (standard VT100 terminal size, back in the day), for VSCode on a HD monitor, I'm running 55x90 or so. Even fairly straightforward code can be hard to track if it's into the KLOCs without structure.

In my case, with modify_all_variables(), I don't know what's in it, I have once found where it is (I don't believe it's in the program at hand) and I would have been much happier to see var new_vals = modify_all_vars(old_vals), as this cuts the scope to what's being modified to new_vals and old_vals, giving me much less to fit into my head.

So, yes, I guess, although that "lost" feeling comes more when I'm very full-stack, leaping a lot from CSS to HTML to JS to backend code (in my case, Perl) to SQL to Bash and back and forth a lot. I swear, there have been days when I could not pull together a complete sentence after that bulldada, but this is less bad code than all eggs in my basket.

("Editability" has past usage at least as far as 2009, and while it may not be in Webster's, anyone who understands read -> readable -> readability should be able to get editability, so we should start lobbying the OED.)