DEV Community

Discussion on: How is the tech industry contributing to global warming and what can we do to reduce the impact?

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Ivo • Edited

Write efficient software, especially if it will run in large scale in the foreseeable future. In large deployments even minor speedups that only save minute amounts of power per execution accumulate to significant energy savings. Thinking of a debate I read about the relevance of efficiency for adblockers. It might not matter for a single person but if the millions of people using abp would switch to ublock origin that could add up quite a bit.
Then there are things like lot letting a CI pipeline run on every commit for all of your side projects. Just do it for master (maybe dev, but not every little change). Shutting down cloud VMs when you're not using them and many of these smaller changes.
The choice of language can also matter. A rust application will use a lot less resources and thus energy than the same thing on nodejs.