DEV Community

Discussion on: Product Vision, Agile, and Going to the Moon

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Ивелин Тенев

Halfway to the Moon we get a note from Customer that the Competition got there first. Striving to deliver Customer's competitive advantage, we decided to aim for Mars instead! While responding to that change, we realized that we lack fuel to get to Mars, but we have just enough to land in Australia! Striving for simplicity, we agreed that we don't need a spaceship and an old fashioned sea ship could get us there. On the bright side, our newly re-designed sea ship had a cutting-edge, spaceflight-ready architecture. On the other side, we didn't have time to update the documentation, but that is ok since we are going to outsource sustaining to our off-shore (no pun intended) team. In the end, we had a nice retrospective meeting. In Australia. We all agreed that we did great but next time we'll do better!