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Three Ways to Retrieve JSON from the Web using Node.js

Isa Levine on August 16, 2019

Cover image credit: Hunter x Hunter manga by Yoshihiro Togashi, meme-ified by yours truly. <3 In a recent technical challenge, I was asked to b...
three_ninjas profile image
Voted Jason Of The Year 2003-2007

Hi Isa, this is very helpful! I have a really dumb question...feel free to ignore me, I'm new to node and promises and kinda new to Javascript.

In the node-fetch example, what if what I wanted to do with the json was return it?

const getStuffFromWhatever = (item) => {
let url = whatever?thing=item

let settings = { method: "Get" };

fetch(url, settings)
.then(res => res.json())
.then((json) => {
    return json
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console.log(getStuffFromWhatever('puppy dogs')

I have tried a few things that seem reasonable to me, but they don't work. I could move the fetch into the function I actually need it in, but I will need it again elsewhere and that's not very DRY.

three_ninjas profile image
Voted Jason Of The Year 2003-2007

Every time I put myself out there and ask a question I am embarrassed to ask, I always find the answer 5 minutes later, and this time is no different. The answer is async / await! Of course it is.

Thanks for letting me talk it out.

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

Always happy to be your rubber ducky! :)

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Hey Isa - nice article! I think you picked the three ways I'd recommend for using an http client in Node.

A thought about the benchmarking of the the Node built in http lib: have you tried building a different data structure than a string - some sort of byte buffer - and then turning it into a string at the end. I'm not sure but I think it might be (I'm away from my computer so I can't try it myself).

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

Hi David, thank you for the feedback! I'm looking into byte buffers (am I seeing this is originally a Java data structure?) for JavaScript, and I'm falling down a rabbit-hole about ArrayBuffers, Uint8Arrays, etc. I found my way over to the npm package bytebuffer (, which looks like it provides a friendly API for using those structures.

I'm running up against a challenge of understanding how best to theoretically write to a byte buffer with incoming http request data--from this list of byte-buffer-writing options (, do you have any advice on where I should be looking? I'm not sure which option will be more efficient than simply coercing the incoming data into a string.

ihzaqstorm33 profile image

Hi Isa,
Well can you explained little bit more further?
I mean look

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

let url = "";

let settings = { method: "Get" };

fetch(url, settings)
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then((json) => {
        // do something with JSON
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So you mean, do something with JSON is example:

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is that How to use it? thanks.

geigle profile image

Thank you for this helpful guide. It got me far.
I was advised to use the new modern fetch() package.