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Discussion on: Parsing CSV Files in Node.js with fs.createReadStream() and csv-parser

isalevine profile image
Isa Levine • Edited

Hi Willina! As-is, the dates should just be processed as strings, so if the other string is printing fine, the date should too...

Just to test, I created a new directory, did a local install of csv-parser, and here's the code I'm running (copied verbatim):

// app.js

const csv = require('csv-parser');
const fs = require('fs');

const filepath = "./example_data.csv"

  .on('error', () => {
    // handle error

  .on('data', (row) => {
    let str = `${row["BUYER NAME"]} bought ${row["CANDY PURCHASED"]} pieces of candy on ${row["PURCHASE DATE"]} and paid $${row["CASH PAID"]}.`;

  .on('end', () => {
    // handle end of CSV

// example_data.csv

2016-04-03,1000,10000.11,Charlie Kelly
2017-11-14,1000,12000.22,Frank Reynolds
2018-01-20,2000,40000.33,Frank Reynolds
2019-01-02,2000,50000.55,Sweet Dee
2019-01-02,1500,13500.66,Dennis Reynolds

// console

Isas-MacBook-Pro:node-csv-parser isalevine$ node app.js 
Charlie Kelly bought 1000 pieces of candy on 2016-04-03 and paid $10000.11.
Frank Reynolds bought 1000 pieces of candy on 2017-11-14 and paid $12000.22.
Frank Reynolds bought 2000 pieces of candy on 2018-01-20 and paid $40000.33.
Mac bought 2000 pieces of candy on 2018-03-20 and paid $40000.44.
Sweet Dee bought 2000 pieces of candy on 2019-01-02 and paid $50000.55.
Dennis Reynolds bought 1500 pieces of candy on 2019-01-02 and paid $13500.66.

Any discrepancies between the code above and what you're running? Feel free to reply with the code itself and I can take a look :)

lclc68lclc profile image
Willina Clark • Edited

I'm sorry, I was running this with my own data, everything shows up except the date which is formatted like this: 2017:12:16 12:45. The header shows up, but when I try to access the rows, I get undefined. Could the formatting be the issue?

Thread Thread
isalevine profile image
Isa Levine

Hi Willina, I'm so sorry I missed your reply!! I hope you were able to get unstuck--if not, I'd be happy to take a look at the data you were using, and see if we can find what's resulting in undefined! :)