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Apache Web Gateway with Docker

Apache Web Gateway with Docker

Hi, community.

In this article, we will programmatically configure an Apache Web Gateway with Docker using:

  • HTTPS protocol.
  • TLS\SSL to secure the communication between the Web Gateway and the IRIS instance.

Image description

We will use two images: one for the Web Gateway and the second one for the IRIS instance.

All necessary files are available in this GitHub repository.

Let’s start with a git clone:

git clone
cd docker-webgateway-sample
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Prepare your system

To avoid problems with permissions, your system needs a user and a group:

  • www-data
  • irisowner

It’s required to share certificates files with the containers. If they don’t exist on your system, simply execute:

sudo useradd --uid 51773 --user-group irisowner
sudo groupmod --gid 51773 irisowner
sudo useradd –user-group www-data
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Generate certificates

In this sample, we will use three certificates:

  1. HTTPS web server usage.
  2. TLS\SSL encryption on Web Gateway client.
  3. TLS\SSL encryption on IRIS Instance.

A script ready-to-use is available to generate them.

However, you should customize the subject of the certificate; simply edit the file.

This is the structure of OpenSSL subj argument:

  1. C: Country code
  2. ST: State
  3. L: Location
  4. O: Organization
  5. OU: Organization Unit
  6. CN: Common name (basically the domain name or the hostname)

Feel free to change these values.

# sudo is needed due chown, chgrp, chmod ...
sudo ./
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If everything is ok, you should see two new directories ./certificates/ and ~/webgateway-apache-certificates/ with certificates:

File Container Description
./certificates/CA_Server.cer webgateway,iris Authority server certificate
./certificates/iris_server.cer iris Certificate for IRIS instance (used for mirror and wegateway communication encryption)
./certificates/iris_server.key iris Related private key
~/webgateway-apache-certificates/apache_webgateway.cer webgateway Certificate for apache webserver
~/webgateway-apache-certificates/apache_webgateway.key webgateway Related private key
./certificates/webgateway_client.cer webgateway Certificate to encrypt communication between webgateway and IRIS
./certificates/webgateway_client.key webgateway Related private key

Keep in mind that if there are self-signed certificates, web browsers will show security alerts. Obviously, if you have a certificate delivered by a certified authority, you can use it instead of a self-signed one (especially for the Apache server certificate).

Web Gateway Configuration files

Take a look at the configuration files.


You can see a CSP.INI file in the webgateway-config-files directory.

It will be pushed into the image, but the content can be modified at runtime.
Consider this file as a template.

In this sample the following parameters will be overridden on container startup:

  • Ip_Address
  • TCP_Port
  • System_Manager

See for more details. Roughly, the replacement is performed with the sed command line.

Also, this file contains the SSL\TLS configuration to secure the communication with the IRIS instance:

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These lines are important. We must ensure the certificate files will be available for the container.

We will do that later in the docker-compose file with a volume.


This is an Apache configuration file. It allows the use of HTTPS protocol and redirects HTTP calls to HTTPS.

Certificate and private key files are setup in this file:

SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.cer
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.key
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IRIS instance

For our IRIS instance, we configure only the minimal requirement to allow the SSL\TLS communication with the Web Gateway; it involves:

  1. %SuperServer SSL Config.
  2. Enable SSLSuperServer security setting.
  3. Restrict the list of IPs that can use the Web Gateway service.

To ease the configuration, config-api is used with a simple JSON configuration file.

   "Security.SSLConfigs": {
       "%SuperServer": {
           "CAFile": "/usr/irissys/mgr/CA_Server.cer",
           "CertificateFile": "/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.cer",
           "Name": "%SuperServer",
           "PrivateKeyFile": "/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.key",
           "Type": "1",
           "VerifyPeer": 3
   "Security.System": {
   "Security.Services": {
       "%Service_WebGateway": {
           "ClientSystems": ";;"
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There is no action needed. The configuration will be automatically loaded on container startup.

Image tls-ssl-webgateway


ADD webgateway-config-files /webgateway-config-files
RUN chmod +x && /
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By default the entry point is /startWebGateway, but we need to perform some operations before starting the webserver. Remember that our CSP.ini file is a template, and we need to change some parameters (IP, port, system manager) on starting. will perform these changes and then execute the initial entry point script /startWebGateway.

Starting containers

docker-compose file

Before starting containers, the docker-compose.yml file must be modified:

  • **SYSTEM_MANAGER** must be set with the IP authorized to have an access to Web Gateway Management https://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw
    Basically, it's your IP address (It could be a comma-separated list).

  • **IRIS_WEBAPPS** must be set with the list of your CSP applications. The list is separated by space, for example: IRIS_WEBAPPS=/csp/sys /swagger-ui. By default, only /csp/sys is exposed.

  • Ports 80 and 443 are mapped. Adapt them to other ports if they are already used on your system.

version: '3.6'

   image: tls-ssl-webgateway
   container_name: tls-ssl-webgateway
     # change the local port already used on your system.
     - "80:80"
     - "443:443"
     - IRIS_HOST=
     - IRIS_PORT=1972
     # Replace by the list of ip address allowed to open the CSP system manager
     # https://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw 
     # see .env file to set environement variable.
     # the list of web apps
     # /csp allow to the webgateway to redirect all request starting by /csp to the iris instance
     # You can specify a list separate by a space : "IRIS_WEBAPPS=/csp /api /isc /swagger-ui"
     - "IRIS_WEBAPPS=/csp/sys"
     # Mount certificates files.
     - ./volume-apache/webgateway_client.cer:/opt/webgateway/bin/webgateway_client.cer
     - ./volume-apache/webgateway_client.key:/opt/webgateway/bin/webgateway_client.key
     - ./volume-apache/CA_Server.cer:/opt/webgateway/bin/CA_Server.cer
     - ./volume-apache/apache_webgateway.cer:/etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.cer
     - ./volume-apache/apache_webgateway.key:/etc/apache2/certificate/apache_webgateway.key
   hostname: webgateway
   command: ["--ssl"]

   image: intersystemsdc/iris-community:latest
   container_name: tls-ssl-iris
     - ./iris-config-files:/opt/config-files
     # Mount certificates files.
     - ./volume-iris/CA_Server.cer:/usr/irissys/mgr/CA_Server.cer
     - ./volume-iris/iris_server.cer:/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.cer
     - ./volume-iris/iris_server.key:/usr/irissys/mgr/iris_server.key
   hostname: iris
   # Load the IRIS configuration file ./iris-config-files/iris-config.json
   command: ["-a","sh /opt/config-files/"]

     driver: default
       - subnet: ""
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Build and start:

docker-compose up -d --build

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Containers tls-ssl-iris and tls-ssl-webgateway should be started.

Test Web Access

Apache default page

Open the page http://localhost.
You will be automatically redirected to https://localhost.

The browsers show security alerts. This is the standard behaviour with a self-signed certificate, accept the risk and continue.

Image description

Web Gateway management page

Open https://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw and test the server connection.

Image description

Management portal

Open https://localhost/csp/sys/utilhome.csp

Image description

Great! The Web Gateway sample is working!

IRIS Mirror with Web Gateway

In the previous article, we built a mirror environment, but the Web Gateway was a missing piece. Now, we can improve that.

A new repository iris-miroring-with-webgateway is available including Web Gateway and a few more improvements:

  1. Certificates are no longer generated on the fly but in a separate process.
  2. IP Addresses are replaced by environment variables in docker-compose and JSON configuration files. Variables are defined in the '.env' file.
  3. The repository can be used as a template.

See the repository file to run an environment like this:


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