DEV Community

Discussion on: Your favorite `git` aliases?

hozefaj profile image

Here is my list of git alias

# git aliases
alias gc='git checkout'
alias gcm='git commit -m'
alias gs='git status'
alias ga='git add --all'
alias gp='git pull --rebase'
alias gb='git branch -vv'
alias gr='git remote -v'
alias grt='git reset --hard'
alias gpub='git push origin publish'
alias grp='git rebase publish'
alias gdev='git push origin dev'
alias gd='git branch -D'
alias gm='git merge'
alias gmx='git merge -X theirs'
alias gh='git push hozefa'
alias gk='gitk &'
alias gda='git branch | grep -v "develop" | grep -v "release" | xargs git branch -D'
alias gf='git fetch'
alias gl='git log -3'
# cleans all branches locally that have already been merged.
alias gcmb="git branch --merged | grep -Ev '(^\*|develop)' | xargs git branch -d"