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Fictional Q&A about JavaScript Hoisting

HowToCodejs on May 28, 2018

Q: Here's a question I'd like answered. Why does this work? What is this Jedi nonsense? sayMyNameSayMyName('Morty'); // 'I said your name, M...
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Elliot Derhay

In seriousness, this raises a question in my mind: does choosing to assign instead of declare functions have to do with avoiding weirdness with hoisting or some related issues?

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HowToCodejs • Edited

To add on to what I wrote, you can also re-assign to a variable that contains an anonymous function. You can take advantage of this by writing an if statement that checks if we are in a certain mode

var strictMode = true;

var logNumber = function(num){
  return num;

  logNumber = function(num){     
      return; // do nothing
    }else {
      return num; // return number 

We would've had to have declared two separate functions if we hadn't created a function expression. Still, the difference is minimal.

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HowToCodejs • Edited

That's a good question. For one, the concept of hoisting doesn't seem to be something people write their programs around. It's a convenient side-effect that some don't even recognize.

The thing about initialization versus declaration comes down to convention and flexibility.

It is the convention to create a class with a function declaration:

function Bat{...}

But if I wanted to create a function prototype, I would use an assignment operator. = function(){...}

Because functions are first order, I can assign them, return them, use them as parameters.

Whether to declare or assign might just come down to style for some, but the differences go beyond hoisting.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

I was thinking in terms of assigning to variables, but thanks for pointing out those other ways of assigning. I don't normally think of it that way with prototype methods and callbacks, but that does make sense.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Giving it a Unicorn, know...functions are unicorns. :)