DEV Community

Discussion on: Why You Shouldn't Use A Web Framework

howardjesstrupanion profile image

If the publisher chose the title for this post, then OK; but if you chose it, then shame on you --- it's nothing but clickbait, and sadly, I fell for it.

I've been developing web applications since the beginning, and my experience is that, for anything but a trivial project, a good framework allows you to concentrate on the important problems, because they handle most of the common issues in a simple-to-understand way. I say this having just completed a pair of projects: a (mistaken) requirement for the larger one was no framework allowed; for the smaller one, we chose to learn and use Vue. Guess which has cleaner, more maintainable code?

Yes, of course yes, learn and understand Javascript, HTML, DOM methods and philosophy, and CSS. But don't be afraid to learn how to use other tools to make it easier for those who follow you.

Or should we all still launder our hand-sewn clothes with a washboard and a rock, down at the river bank?